Thursday 2 March 2023

Nine Observations

 1.  After a while....watching the drama in East Palestine, Ohio get the impression that the whole government staff that ought to be there for the off on some vacation.  

2.  After watching AG Garland's answers to Senator Cruz yesterday....I'd say Garland is also suffering 'old-mans-syndrome' like President Biden.

3.  I'm of the opinion that 12-percent of the American population probably ought to be either in some rehab mandated structure, or mental asylum.  

4.  You noticed.....all that anti-Twitter hype....just kinda stopped in the past two months.  

5.  So far in 2023....I've come to four odd conclusions.....(1) whatever was spoken by the US gov't over Covid....was fake, (2) most all of the vax chatter from 2021 has been false guidance, (3) the majority of what's claimed over climate change needs more analysis, and (4) gov't economists and bankers probably aren't that wise or clever about money or the economy.

6.  Just something that hit me this week....back in the 1990s before Trans came along....were these Trans-like people existing and how did they survive in that era?  It just appears like they came out of a hidden 'cave' five or six years ago to exist, and it makes little sense.

7.  It used to be if you said someone was 'provocative' were inferring them to be a lady showing two blouse buttons undone, and showing 'something'.  Apparently, that definition no longer works today.

8.  Whole lot of people walking around and asking for 'gatekeeper-services' today.  What the hell do they really mean?

9.  When you accept four-year-old behavior out of adults and don't discipline them to change behavior....don't be shocked over the crap you get later.

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