Sunday 26 March 2023

The 2 Plus 2 Equaling 5 Reality (Non-Reality)

 I spent about an hour today reading over Twitter comments of a person trying to impress upon people that 2 plus 2 can possibly equal 5.

The sales pitch here?  Measurement uncertainty, and limits of casual intervention.   Yeah, more or less BS.

The chief problem here....if you can't make two and two to come to the same conclusion each time....modern technology fails. There has to be a consistent path on physical reality, and a way that a mathematical form presents that reality.  

Why this mindset that two and two might relate to five?  The only way that this comes up....might be the idea the idea that nothing much can make sense, and if they can set you to think two and two might not equal four....maybe a lot of other things would fall into place.

You dogs might be viewed as cats?  Or that a one-dollar bill might be worth $1.01?  Or that a speed limit of 65 mph....might really mean 67 mph?  

My chief issue?  If you walked into a bank to deposit a $1,000 check into an account with $2,000 already in it.....then it has to equal $3,000 in the end.  Using this 'not-5' logic.....the bank might say my $1,000 check came to equal $900 upon the final details.  

This is where I think we need to dispatch some stupid people to digging ditches for a living, or shoveling snow.....anything that avoids math.  

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