Friday 10 March 2023

The Guy In The Middle Syndrome

 I saw this graphic today, and felt it said an awful lot about society in 2023. 

Prior to cable TV, most Americans got their news from newspapers, magazines like Time and Newsweak, radio (in spoonful segments), and from three networks.  

If you wanted in-depth political went to the three networks and their Sunday morning 'drama'.  If you asked about people listening/watching the Sunday morning stuff.....I doubt if you could more than 2-percent of Americans who viewed it.

In the 1990s....things evolved, and at breakneck speed.  

Today?  The minute that the President finishes his State-of-the-Union speech....there's a minimum of forty shows with 'guests', and I would imagine at least 200 people want to interpret for you....what the President said (as if it were in French).

Oddly, some of these guests interpret things in such a way.....that they make you more confused about whatever was said.  

On CNN or Fox?  I'd take a guess that each spends a minimum of six hours a day....trying to interpret things for you.  

It's a waste of time, but it seems to fill air-time....that they'd have to tell you something new or fresh.....when there isn't that much.

My advice?  There a mute button on everything these days (even on my Audi.....there's a mute button).  Use it.  

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