Sunday 9 April 2023

Real Estate Story

I sat and viewed this commentary on social media this AM.  Basically, some real estate gal in Tennessee....noting that she got a message from a prospective buyer that Tennessee values were not what they were seeking after the last week of hot political chatter.

So I sat and pondered upon this.

First, Tennessee residents (the ones who grew up there) don't give a damn if you move there or not.  They will say it bluntly to your face....either before they start drinking or after they've had four beers.  

Second, in regards to picking where you live....there probably are over two-hundred 'values' at work now, and 'lawmakers of color being expelled' might not even make it into the two-hundred group.  You might want to remind yourself of the tornado statistical average for Tennessee, the average number of copperheads per square mile, and the fact that yes....they do have nuclear power units in the state (if this was a hot priority to avoid such might not want to live in the state).

Third, by disqualifying Tennessee....and the state you were apparently leaving (California or NY state) only have 47 states left (I should assume Alaska and Hawaii are both no-go places).  It appears that no one exits move into Michigan, NY state, Illinois, or NJ.  

Fourth, the kind of people who get drawn into this type of chaos and propaganda....probably aren't the type of people you'd want as residents of your state anyway.  

In a way, it's become a reality TV show, with side-doors opening....characters walking across the stage (like VP Harris) and then exiting side-door on the other side of the stage.  You might applaud, but then you wonder....what is the real subject of the opera show you just watched. 

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