Saturday 13 May 2023

Ten Observations

 1.  Some fed judge said 'no'....apparently you can't round up refugee/migrants, then slip them some paper....saying you need to show up for a court-date, but leave the court-date blank.

Yeah, this got the White House crew all disturbed.  If you tried to do something like this for anything just wouldn't sit right with the court-crowd.

2.  It is rather shocking....various people are now interrupting news journalists and telling them their statement is a fabrication (lie).  Just a funny look on the journalists some 8-year old kid caught stealing candy.

3.  This NYC subway court stuff....where the Marine had to choke-hold the nutcase guy.....apparently yesterday, some local 66 year old female witness came up and said: Neely (the nutcase guy) was threatening passengers in the cabin.  Neely said at some point....'he was prepared to kill a motherfu*ker and take a bullet...going to jail'.

You know that definition of 'death-by-cop'?  I think this guy basically wanted end his life.  He wasn't acting rationally or any sense.

4.  It may be news to some of you.....but you have no legal obligation to be physically assaulted or held ransom by a career criminal or nutcase that's been left to terrorize the streets.  

5.  The Levi jeans people (they only have one product to sell you) say that their gender-neutral jeans....will be changing the size choices to some degree....due to customers consuming more 'nourishment' (meaning it doesn't matter if you are male, female, or are getting fatter).  

6.  Tolerance is never a one-way street.

7.  Some researcher from Yale did some research, and oddly found that when a liberal goes to speak to a group of minority folks.....they tend to dumb-down the message.  

They didn't say this was a stupid thing or unethical....just that Carl X, or Wanda X....had two types of deliveries when talking to people, and just felt if you were needed the 'lesser' message.  

To be honest, since Roman times, I think folks have been doing this....thinking stupid people need simpler words to grasp something.  

8.  To be honest and humble....some of these drag-queen guys....probably need to give up the fantasy, because they look more like a ugly woman than anything else.

9.  Sometimes.....getting a full-up blunt message....isn't what people want.  The trouble is....they never tell you this ahead of time.

10.  What kind of townhall should CNN run in the future?  Maybe one with just cardboard cut-outs in the audience?

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