Saturday 17 June 2023


 1.  Odds of an impeachment of President Biden over the bribes business?  

You would think that he'd been smart enough to have the bribe money flow to off-shore accounts.  This is typically what smart guys do....they hire people to 'manage' their money.

If he failed at this, and the money came into US accounts?  I'd say impeachment chatter will increase by October, and likely start before the end of 2023.  I also think that Feinstein's replacement as Senator figures into this, and a fair number of Democrats are calculating Biden to be gone, but some total reshuffle to occur....maybe Harris gone and a new VP before the impeachment wraps up.

2.  Democratic voters indicate their feelings on re-electing Joe Biden?  Now at only 37-percent.  

3.  All that hype that Fed rates were going up another notch?  Halted, for 12 months....coming out late yesterday.

4.  Oddly, House agreed and passed law to raise pilot mandated retirement in the 67.  Lack of pilots is key issue. 

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