Saturday 29 July 2023

Three Observations

 1.  Someone put up an idea that the alien craft business....might be a 'joke', in which aliens intentionally wrecked some craft, left dummy bodies, and are making the government go down a false 'path' in thinking they hold something of 'value'.

I sat and pondered upon this. 

To be honest, it's very possible that this scenario described is true.   

2.  Some journalists noted after the court session for Hunter Biden....he seemed awful aggravated (peed-off)....that things fell apart.  Whatever he was told by dad....didn't come true, and he might be grasping that someone else besides dad is now pulling the strings.

3.  Dead chef at Obama's residence....drawing a lot of attention?   Some kind of trauma on the dead guy?  Well.....that's now being openly discussed.  It would appear some kind of defensive wound exists.  

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