Saturday 26 August 2023

America As A Car

I have a Audi A5, which has probably 300 different features built into it.  So far, four years into owning it....every single thing has worked.  One day, I expect a feature or two to develop issues, and troubles to start up.

America is like that advanced car....except it's already got issues.

You can't depend on the police, or some local prosecutor.

You can't lessen fire danger issues because of environmentalists

You have druggies on every street in major cities now.  

You have a higher chance of power-outage today....than in the 1970s.

From the general population....there is less trust in nurses and doctors today....than forty years ago.

Daily readership of newspapers?  It dropped by 50-percent since 2000.  Go ask people about the last time they read a Time or Newsweak.....a lot of people will tell you at least ten years ago.

Recruitment for the US military?  In severe decline.

Something is 'broke' here and the pieces/parts required....just won't fit like they did before.

People are skeptical of your intentions, your beliefs, or the general facts.  

It's a rough world developing.  

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

On the SurvivalistBoards forum, a thread asks:
* Are We Already In A Dystopia.
A popular theme in science fiction, a 'dystopia' is the incompetent totalitarian RulingParasites collapse of essential services -- utilities, groceries, LawEnforcementOfficials.
In this dark future, the 'little people' starve as they stumble around dressed as zombies.
In his excellent Splendid Isolation, Kim duToit asks:
* Are Cities Relevant.
* I see no advantage to maintaining cities on life-support.
They are suicidal, mismanaged by cancerous eaters with zero understanding of the consequences to their incompetence.
* I see life-threatening disadvantages to believing -- despite all the evidence -- we have any chance of returning to the morals and self-reliance and self-respect of the 1950s and early-60s.
Is this a rough time?
Based on just my tiny corner of the universe, I predict these are the good times.
Are we due for a re-boot, heading toward the 1850s with singing hippies and happy mules plowing the fields and organic hemp muffins in the wood-fired oven?
I think a thousand years earlier than that, all knowledge lost of refining metals, medicines... every cut or scratch leading to amputation and death.
If anybody needs me, I'll be in my cave... working on my manifesto.