Thursday 10 August 2023

Locking Of Cases Problem

 I sat and read a piece today, which lead to a San Francisco professor talking about  'psychological cost', when stores end up locking refrigerator units and keep folks from stealing property.

The jest of this....if you walk into such a have to ask for a clerk to help you, and by the professor's get all screwed-up and feeling bad over the lock business.

First, I've never been in such a store, and by my Alabama-instinct....I'd probably get in a down, and want to see such a sight.

Second, the store didn't do this because customers were so nice and honest....they did it to send a message to certain customers....go elsewhere.

Finally, I would probably suggest this is the last 'fix' and these stores are on a list to shut-down within a year.  

This is plainly NOT the society that existed in the US prior to Covid and the 2020 election.  This is a wild group of folks, who have no control over themselves.

On my list of 100 things you need to suggest 'civil-war' has arrived in America....the locking of the cases is probably in that one-hundred group.   


LargeMarge said...

Eugene, Oregon.
On the west fringe of town, Wal*Mart is surrounded by fields.
The fields are infested with goofballs in warehouse-pallet hovels covered with blue plastic tarps.
The store has locked display-cases in two areas:
* camp-gear
* men's bloomers.
Work boots, job-interview clothes -- no locks.
Watches -- no locks.

LargeMarge said...

One other area has locked display-cases:
* flea collars.