Thursday 31 August 2023

This Tucker Carlson-Putin 'Thing'

 So quietly, Carlson went out and asked an associate about getting an interview with Putin (in Russia).  Couple of days pass.....Putin says 'yes'.  Day or two passes, and some US gov't intelligence guy calls Carlson and says....we know about your email, and would like to have a chat.

The emphasis of this? a minimum, the US would like to ask questions of Carlson upon his return to US soil. To be honest, since Covid....I doubt if a single American has come face-to-face with Putin.  

They'd probably like a health assessment.  I would question this because Carlson might respond that Putin is in better health than Biden, McConnell, or Pelosi....and you wouldn't really want to tell the intelligence guys this.

A curious meeting? Russian journalist is allowed total freedom on questions if they did get 15 minutes with Putin.  

My humble belief....Carlson will probably get forty-odd minutes and maybe 15 questions.   

The Washington intel guys sitting around and shocked how easy this was?  I would imagine they've poured a few shots of booze and trying to imagine the questions that Tucker would ask.  

My final thought?  In the middle of this would not shock me if Putin pulls out a box of Burisma tapes, and starts playing Biden conversations that imply a 'deal'.  Then with a grin....he tells Tucker there's over 200 conversations of Joe and some deal-guy. 

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

And instantly, all that evidence from the Russians will be labeled 'Top! Secret!' and 'Keep Hidden! Until Everybody Involved Is Dead!'.
I understand evidence about the 1963 execution of President Kennedy is just about due to be opened, after the required seven decades of 'sealed-n-concealed concealed-n-sealed'.
I heard a rumor.
Anything labeled 'secret' has zero-zero-zero to do with NationalSecurity™.
Those documents are kept secret to protect the grifters and murderers.
I like that theory because it aligns with -- and feeds -- my tendency toward stand-offish behavior in regards to grifters and murderers.