Saturday 30 September 2023


 Last week, Florida police pulled over some car at 4 AM on I-75.  Something caught their attention.

So here were two kids (boy-10, girl-11) and sister.  Boy was driving the car.

After a number of questions.....police realized that the two were from North Port, Florida....about three hours to the south.  They'd driven mom's vehicle.

What triggered them to 'escape'?  Mom had decided that they were screwing up on the rules for their she took both away.  Kids got peeved, and decided to leave.

No charges.  

I sat and pondered over this.

First, it doesn't appear that they ever had a plan (something you'd expect out of Generation Z mental 'midgets'). 

Second, mom had reported the vehicle missing and the kids gone.  Once returned, if they were my kids.....I'd have zero trust in them forever, and I'd have to take the battery out of the car each feel 'safe' that they wouldn't get stupid a second time....locking it up.

Third, historically speaking....back in the 1970s, you might have had a kid or two locally that did some crap like this, but they always drove in circles....never more than ten miles from the house.  These kids?  No circle crap....straight line....leave the state crap.

Fourth, from school....I'd question their grades, and wonder IQ-wise...if they were on the low-level of things. 

Fifth and final....the odds of them escaping a second time and getting to the Arizona border?  Oh, I'd say 50-50.  Might make an interesting TV series....'Escape from North Port'.  Kids on the run.....might be rather entertaining.

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