Wednesday 13 September 2023

Waste of Money Story

 I paused over a Wall Street Journal item for today: "DECONGESTANT IN COLD MEDICINES FOUND INEFFECTIVE."

Basically, for several dozen cold medications  in the US.....they never had any effective 'power'.

If you'd asked me about in recommend anything....I'd say most did almost nothing.  Same in the 1990s, and for the whole past 20 years.

How much have I wasted?  Probably well  over $1,000 since August of 1977.  

What'll happen?  I'd say almost 95-percent of people will continue on....buying the same crap.  

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

First I heard of it, so naturally...
...a few moments research shows hundreds of identical stories:
* "Decongestant Ineffective!"
My skeptical nature automatically thinks 'scam'.
Maybe less than the scale of the evaporated half-trillion in the Ukraine 'foreign-aid skim-scam'.
Certainly less than the evaporated several trillion during the Cheney days... and the 'perfectly-crashed airliner into the only Pentagon room with the only evidence' scam.
By lunch tomorrow, I bet some wisenhymer will conjugalize dozens of identically-scripted talking-heads, each solemnly uttering the sad sad BreakingNews™.
Caption Contest:
* "Here's hoping my boogers _________ [fill in the blank]!"