Friday 6 October 2023

This Biden Wall Game

What Biden directed is basically to wrap up and finish the Texas wall, to crossing of migrants.   AZ, California and NM?  Well...they have democratic governors, and his handlers assume that migrants won't be put on busses to Philly, Chicago or NYC.

Wise? When you have a herd of 5,000 migrants a day coming across your state....folks tend to notice things. I would imagine that folks in AZ will notice and start bus events to continue delivering migrants to sanctuary cities.

The development?   I think several big city mayor's have given 'hell' to the handlers and demanded something to change. 

Oh, and this wall work?  I'd guess there's a minimum of 6 months of work required.  I should also note...the wall business so far has proven marginally to be effective.  Those buses from Texas?  I would imagine they will keep operating.

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