Wednesday 22 November 2023

This Talk of Michelle Obama Picked At the Democratic Convention in 2024?

 I sat and watched two podcasts over the past week, which openly discussed that they see Joe Biden coming to the Convention in August charged-up, then finding the super-delegates unable to support him. The odds of this scenario?  The super-delegates make up around 16-percent of the representation at the convention, so without 'other' participants....I don't see how this would occur.

However, their suggestion is that Joe would find a way to step out....leaving it open, and that Michelle Obama would be the candidate.....with Newsom likely as her VP (this idea in my mind is crazy).

So the question is...if you had Obama (Ms), RFK Jr, and would this type election occur?

I think in deep-blue Oregon or'd be possible for RFK Jr to win.  I could see him walking away with fifteen state wins.  

Obama?  Maybe she could get a solid win out of California and New York, but probably not get past ten state wins.  

Trump wins?  In this scenario....yeah.

Creating a five-to-ten year disaster where people are skeptical of the national party strategy?  Yeah, and that's the long-term damage done.  

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

Real-World Oregon folk are self-reliant and oriented for freedom and liberty.
The diseased metropolitan areas of Eugene, Salem, pornland are (pseudo-) Oregonian through mere geographic symbolism.
After those three no-go zones put up their signs and fences and turn complete city-states then wither to a deceased wind-blown scavenger haunt, the rest of us remain in-service.
That ex-FirstSpouse o'bama person might receive three votes from non-metro Oregon folks, but those would only be the result of a timely 'programming glitch' or soapy gasoline inadvertently spilled on the vote counting machines.
I could see each happening simultaneously.