Friday 8 December 2023

Red Flag Discussion

 I watched a podcast today, which got into the 'red-flag' business of relationships, and noted that a fair amount of women who said that guys who listened to Joe Rogan....were in a red-flag situation.

I sat and pondered upon it.

In 1978 (1st year of the Air Force).....I probably had no more than three red-flags (pack-a-day-smoker, serious whiskey drinker, or some gal with obvious mental health problems...were all red-flags).

Today?  If I had to go out on some date....there would be some list sixty-odd red-flags.  Just getting into serious NCAA football chatter would be a red-flag.  Some 4-time divorcee with history....would be a red-flag. Just having 10 minutes a day of religious chatter...would probably be a red-flag.

Women who have a show-room for their living room (white carpets, dust collector trophies)?  Red-flag.

Women who want to know your credit history or voting habits?  Red-flag.

Women who want to be assured of your ballroom dancing skills?  Red-flag.

Women who talk about ex-husband #1, #2 and least an hour out of the day?  Red-flag.

Women who want to know right off the bat your physical fitness club membership and the amount of work-out?  Red-flag.

Women who have the top three buttons on their blouse undone on date number one?  Red-flag.

Women who talk continually of their wine consumption but can't define sweetness, body, acidity or aroma? Red-flag.

The problem is once you get over filter out things to a maximum level. 

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