Wednesday 6 December 2023

Toy Story

 I pondered over this story.

California passed a bill (10584) that says if you are a retail department store in California, and offer must offer a gender-neutral toy option.  If you fail....a fine of $250 to $500 (per store) would fall into play.  Size of the store mattering?  Yeah.  The mom-and-pop shops wouldn't fall into this situation, or the Amazon folks.  

What do they mean by gender-neutral status?  That's not very clear.  

Water-pistols affected?  I doubt it.  

Barbie?  Well....maybe.  But I'm not how you'd make Barbie gender-neutral.

Confusing?  I could see some state audit coming walking into some toy shop and eyeballing assess a fine, and you end as the manager hiring some lawyer (figure $3,000 minimum) to defend your shop.  

State government not having anything better to fixing potholes, decreasing crime, or lessening drug abuse?  

It would seem the right thing to do....just stop selling toys in general.  Get the kids lawn-darts and tell them to have at it.  

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