Tuesday 9 January 2024

Just Two Odd Things

 1.  I noticed from legal action from yesterday....the Fifth Circuit pushed back on the President Biden Department of Energy over some odd regulations that they were attempting enforce.  

So the Court wrote....after analyzing everything....there's no clear authority given to the DoE....about regulating 'water use' in dishwashers and washing machines.

I sat and pondered over this. 

How many hours were wasted in DoE....writing up a regulation....when they really didn't have the authority over it.  Really begs the question....what's the real purpose of DoE?

2.  SecDef Austin.  What was laid out yesterday.....there was an actual ambulance to come and pick up the guy (he was in such bad pain).....from that point, no seems to have called the next person or the office.  Just weird.  

I can't recall a single event in my Air Force days where no one called the office.    

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