Saturday 6 January 2024

My Humble View of the UAP/UFO Discussion

 Back in mid-December 2023....the UAP Disclosure Act came to a point where all the big things to happen....were watered down.  It's not a failure as it passed, but it obviously worried some key House committee (GOP) members.  

So to lay out the discussion and where things are obviously 'stuck'.....imagine that you had some crashed UFO in the 1940s, and decided as a gov't official.....the key thing to do is reverse-engineer the craft.  You don't have the best or you go and hire some aerospace company (or two) to do the work.

These companies mostly go and hire engineers....not physicists.  And they keep the number of people on the inside of small as possible. 

Decade goes get paid for reverse-engineering, but to be honest, there's just not much that you achieved.

1960s go by....same story.

Early go and convince the powers to be that maybe you should control the crashed UFOs yourself....not the Pentagon.  Then you suggest that all technology to be gained....ought to belong to you....because of your effort.  All of this....while still getting a couple billion dollars a year to pay for....get this....almost no success on reverse engineering.

So the 1980s pass....1990s pass, and here we are in 2024....with a couple of crashed UFOs and nothing much achieved in reverse-engineering.

What you wouldn't want to admit in public....being a Fortune-500 that you consumed 100-odd-billion dollars over fifty years and have nothing much to show for all that money.

So keeping this a secret.....that you took a ton of money and did nothing to show for really the sad part of the story, which you need to keep secret.

Another 50 years of zero reverse-engineering....with half-a-trillion dollars spent?  Yeah, that's the angle of this whole 'game' now. 

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