Monday 11 March 2024

My Thinking Over TikTok

 For a brief time in 2020 (Covid era), I got onto the App, and probably wasted about forty hours viewing 'crap'.

Majority of stuff I saw was low-class personal production of stuff made by high-school kids and university students....occasionally adults trying to be funny with marginal effect.

Probably one out of forty videos I viewed were somewhat dangerous.

Back on the farm (mid-1970s) the community, we had two brothers (the Barr boys) who were notorious for doing crazy stuff.  They had a old pick-up which they would start at one end of the field....then with it still progressing at 10 mph....they'd climb out of the cab to reach the tail-gate and then jump back in before the truck reached the end of the field (10-ft deep ditch existed there).  They did it strictly for the thrill.  Had they existed today?  I think they would have recorded this at least a hundred times, and invented crazier stunts.

Some folks have posted videos from TikTok onto Twitter....where Gen-Z folks (college kids and up to age 25)....where they are crying and awful disturbed about the unfair life they've been their salary of $45,000 isn't covering their cost of living, or how their 50-year old boss seems demented/crazy.  It disturbs me watching these....mostly because the participants don't seem ready for the big world and harsh reality.

I see TikTok as having marginal value.  But to ban it?  Kids would just use VPN services to get around the ban.

It's just a way....we are evolving in the opposite direction.  Being enticing.  

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

I see normal people doing 'slum-trash', adopting inner-city 'music' and idioms, an astounding number of sentences concluding with the open-ended "... and sh!t...".
("I got a haircut and sh!t.", "I just came from the laundromat and sh!t.")
I see normal people giving up on centuries of Northern European Heritage accomplishments, walking away from our science and architecture, our opera and orchestras.
Quitting because apparently the lower route is easier, mud-huts with dung floors ("... and sh!t...") instead of Notre Dame cathedral.
Why would anybody participate in years of grueling studies to become a medical doctor or engineer, the alternative -- weave a feathered head-dress and throw some knuckle-bones while engaging with recreational drugs?
I firmly believe laziness has virtues.
As one of the laziest people I know, I automatically look for the most efficient way to do any task.
But my goals are consistent with those of several thousand years of Northern European Heritage folk.
The illegals have no such affiliation.
Meanwhile, inner-city welfare generations are actively destroying everything built by Northern European Heritage folk...
... while using Northern European Heritage language, civilization, our clothes and cars.
Our firearms.
Their selective hatred is obviously self-destructive, their simple-minded short-sighted methods guided by professional agitators.
Much is written about this 'civil-war', multiple factions fighting for control of their local -- centralized -- Authority Complex.
I think the next few months will accelerate this current collapse, and I think inner-city welfare generations will quickly realize their already-limited resources are utterly dependent on the whims of rural Northern European Heritage folk.
I think this's a good time to keep my eyes open, my head on a swivel.
But I won't need to lift a finger in reactive defense; inner-city zones are automatically and inevitably returning to their Stable State, abandoned haunts for feral foragers.
I shan't mourn the passing of those True Believers artificially propping up the teetering concept of civilization, while consuming everything imported from farms and electric generating plants, their only contributions to my existence were exporting garbage, sewage, and 'laws' (some overlap).