Thursday 23 May 2024

Biden, DoJ, and Concert Tickets?

 Well....this AM...I noticed a brief story....maybe two lines.  The rumor in DC....someone on the President's staff has convinced President Biden that concert tickets in America need 'control' know....regulations to limit prices.

If you were to prioritize this?  On most American's minds?  This doesn't rank even in the top 5,000 things to fix or control.

The first ever concert tickets I ever bought...around the 1982 Shreveport, a Heart concert...for around $12.  For a E-4 in the military, it was a fair  amount of money.  On top of ended up spending another $10 for beer.

The problem I see here....once you start regulating....why stop there?  Why not approach NFL and MLB ticket prices?  Why should I pay $48 per seat for a baseball game?  Why should I pay $125 for NFL tickets?

Why do I need the federal government in the business of regulating tickets?

Does the President even grasp what's going on?

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