Saturday 18 May 2024

Five Odd Things I've Noted

 1.  Someone sat down and analyzed income levels and book sales for President Biden.  What they say....he's having a shortfall of capital....other than his present salary as President.

Where does he spend the money?  Unknown.  It is just an odd story....lessening bank account and no way to show spending?

Someone commented that legal aid for Hunter....was a pot of money that the President was putting cash into, and this might have consumed a fair amount of dad's money.

2.  Some BS report  that White House insiders say if Hunter's legal case opens up....President Biden mental side will deteriorate and he will suffer mental 'torment'.

Not sure why news media actually reported this.

3.  Air Force said this past week.....recruiting crisis has reached a serious level.

Adding to the commentary....the chief DEI officer for the AF hyped-up LGTBQ-month and goals to recruit more LGTBQ-people.

Serious problems approaching?  I'd say by summer of of a 'draft' will start up.

4.  US Army now testing 'long-distance' balloons.  Wonder where they got the idea?

5.  Just an odd story brewing....people who own E-cars and do longer distance drives....say that they suffer some kind of nausea.  Might be one has any science or data  to explain this.

If I were just looking at this.....putting 400 pounds of batteries into a closed space....might have some kind of electric field problem brewing.  Would be funny if people suffer health issues because of E-cars.  

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

2003, for our ExpeditionVehicle build, we decided on induction hot-plates.
Occasionally, while using one or all of them, we got transitory influenza symptoms.
We switched to propane for cooking -- and usually cook outside -- and that was the cure for that.