Saturday 8 June 2024

Four Humble Observations

 1.  The Miss Alabama contest was settled this past week.  If you google's a gal in the 250 to 270 pound range.  And no....she's not like 6'2" tall.

We do crazy stuff like this in Alabama.  I even think that she's got a fair chance in the Miss America pageant.

2.  From Maryland, they also completed their state pageant.....with a Transwoman winning....'wife' of a Marine.  

Yeah, it'll be a unusual contest that folks will watch at the Miss America pageant.   

3.  Someone noticed that the judge in this Hunter Biden gun case.....had an identical episode in the past year, and gave that guy 12 months in prison. Will be a harsh thing for Hunter....if in a no-cocaine year.  Probably the first time in his life since age 16 that he went a whole day or two without cocaine.

4.  If you use probably noticed this week....they dropped American Express as a they are crazy on the fees.

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