Wednesday 5 June 2024

Four Humble Thoughts

 1.  I sat and read a piece this morning over the Washington Post publisher and CEO William Lewis.

Basically, he had a meeting yesterday with his staff, and it got to a blunt point. He's terminating the executive editor Sally Buzbee.

Reason?  Over the 3 years that Buzbee has been there....readership has lessened (profits are down).

Then he says something to the reporters that consumers aren't reading their product.

The fact that the majority of the hired journalists lean left on politics?  I don't see them getting a solution, and this is one of those publications that probably will not be around when you get to 2030.

2.  Trump says in an interview.....he's now fixated on releasing ALL files on 9-11, JFK, and Epstein.

I sat and pondered over this.  Just on 9-11....there's probably 10,000 pages of material that go and link various Saudi key players to the act, and it'll make everyone doubt the nature of the Saudi government.  

On JFK?  The CIA would desperately fight this.

Finally, on Epstein?  You'd basically come to find various elements of the CIA connected to Epstein.

3.  I was reading over a financial piece yesterday, which got into the long talk about past recessions.

There is this odd factor on recessions.  I'd call it the 'long wag'.

In past 6 recessions, announcement of the official recession started on average about 234 days after the GDP data was released.  

The fact that we are talking about a recession currently underway, but failing to meet the past six history? is a curious thing.  

4.  Over the past two or three months, I've seen various discussions on Twitter.....where someone has offered up the idea....if you want to take off need a diet-plan and exercise.  To which....some  people claiming medical status....say that with some people it's not enough.  Yeah, they are hinting toward the medical options as the gimmick to use.

I will attest to the fact that if you limit your calorie intake (to say 1,400 calories a day) and increase your calorie-burn (exercise) which I mean two work-outs a day of 60 minutes can take off five to seven pounds a month...guaranteed.  

This BS of a medical solution?  It only works....while you continue to use it...and it has a cost factor.  

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

I went Keto, I dropped thirty pounds in thirty days.
It was all water, inflammation from carbohydrates and seed oils.
Encouraged by this success, I eliminated root vegetables and other sources of sugars, and dairy.
No grains, no corn, oatmeal a couple times a year (with seasoned ground meat as 'haggis').
No nightshades -- potato, tomato, peppers, eggplant.
Encouraged by that success, I went Paleo and organic, eliminating petroleum-based pesticides and fertilizers.
Nearly a couple decades, zero interest in visiting Taco Bell and Pizza Hut.