Sunday 23 June 2024

My Thoughts On Oppenheimer (The Movie)

It's been two weeks since I watched the 3-hour 'saga'.   Four observations.

1.  The sound is crap. Between accents and low-quality recording....I'd say about 20-percent of movie is of poor quality.

2. To be honest, story-wise....there's probably material there for four different movies, and they led  you around to a complex story....which got you frustrated as time went by.  

3.  This Oppenheimer was a sex-nutcase-magnet....attracting a fair number of women (probably because of his brilliant mind).

4.  Toward the last hour.....I just wanted an ending (my patience had worn out).

My advice....if you really wanted to stay and view the whole thing....start off with three shots of whiskey, and down another shot every ten minutes.  For three hours?  It would 1.5 bottles to sustain a view (more if your wife is sitting there with you).

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