Saturday 24 August 2024

Five Humble Thoughts

 1.  From the Trump assassination this point, I'd say that Crooks was not the ONLY person in the attempt, and by the FBI staying silent....there's more to the story.

This Maxwell Yearick guy, the buddy of Crooks?  Has not been seen since that day.  I think his original 'job' was to ensure pipe-bombs were set in various places to go off as the shooting started.  Pipe-bombs never occurred....I suspect because Yearick by that mid-day point....was 'disappeared' (dead or scared).  

2.  This Harris price-control gimmick on grocery stores?  I think it scares the crap out of most all grocery store chains.  

3. Maybe it's just me....but the 2016 atmosphere with Hillary Clinton as a candidate....was more charged-up than the present Kam-candidate landscape.  It's odd to say what few minutes of CNN I've watched in the past month....I'd say half of it was fairly neutral chatter.

4.  California readily admits....$24-billion that was supposed to be spent on the homeless....simply disappeared, and no one can cite how it  was spent.

In most states, it'd be a crime that the AG of the state would jump into, and there'd be five-star money-laundering involved.  Yet, you see nothing being done.

5.  Line up a thousand folks who say they will vote for Kam....then ask the explain what makes her great.  Almost all will respond with silence....which is just odd.  

On Trump's thousand folks?  Almost all will say they had it better economically....before Biden came along. 

It's just odd.

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

I, for one, look forward to welcoming OurFirstPresidentBasedOnGenitals©.