Friday 27 September 2024

Kids and Politics Chatter

 I sat and watched a CNN segment (admitting I still 'force' myself to get doses of slanted news), but this ended up being an odd story.

So CNN went and asked what I perceived to be 11-year old they felt about Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.

Odd question, and there is virtually NO value in the 'product'.

However, the kids gave blunt prospectives of both.....which made for an interesting segment.

As a kid in 1969 (when I was eleven)....if you'd asked the class who was president....I doubt if 50-percent could have answered the question.  If you'd asked me over my prospective of Nixon?  I would have answered he's the President, and gave no insight or plus/minus of the guy.

So you gaze at society and the news media.....what has changed over 55 years?  Well....there's just a lot of propaganda today, and even 11-year old kids recognize this factor.

If I had a household and three kids today?  I'd have to filter out news or constantly remind the kids that being skeptical is a worthily talent.

Here's the final seven years, as these kids start to reach voting age.  They will have ZERO trust in the news media, and refuse to accept any propaganda.  How things will work then?  It just makes me wonder if CNN will be around. 

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