Friday 4 October 2024

Ten Things I Now Believe

 1.  All this of FEMA confiscating emergency supplies being brought in....are due to fake FEMA-badged individuals (I believe this now) in North Carolina.  There just aren't that many FEMA people there, and if they were....they wouldn't be this stupid.  

2.  Nike and their contract with Caitlan Clark of the WNBA?  She's going to drop them by Christmas, and sign with Adidas or Puma.  

3.  Over the final 30 days of the Harris will end up seeing Barak Obama at least twice a key states.  

4.  If you asked President Biden if he knew that FEMA spent three-quarters of a billion of FEMA funds on migrants and hotels....he'd probably respond 'who-the-f*ck-authorized-that'.

5.  CNN has laid off enough pro-Kamala folks....that the majority left now believe Trump wins...easily.

6.  If you asked 100 high-school seniors where the 'Great Wall of China' is located.....fewer than 20-percent would identify China as the correct answer.

7.  No North Carolina official (Governor on down) will ever detail how many were lost or died in the chaos.  No sheriff will officially detail how many body bags his deputies prepared or delivered.

8.  More than 25,000 Ohio residents will be practicing Voo Doo members by 2030.  I'm not talking about Haitian-Ohioans.....I mean regular Ohioans.

9.  CNN will kinda drop the 'low-IQ' Republican special guests, and admit that audiences seem to be amused (laughing) over the analysis given by the low-IQ Republicans.

10.  US military services will start admitting in least a quarter of their members are in serious debt problems and requiring 'help' of some type. 

Four Observations About This North Carolina-FEMA-Joe Biden-Kamala Harris 'Affair'

First, there's a 'golden-rule' in Presidential election years....the party in the final 100 days before the vote....does everything possible not to screw up.  

As you look at FEMA and President Biden.....they've screwed-up royally.  

In this whole Appalachian region (five states)...for at least an entire generation, this will be remembered.

Second, if any of this is true...that FEMA spent their money on Homeland Security priorities of'd have to remove FEMA from Homeland Security control.  

Third, this Trump 'town-hall' meeting today (Friday) in North Carolina?  I would imagine all of the networks will avoid carrying it or talking about it.  Twitter?  It'll be the most heavily viewed topic of the year.  Utter disaster for Kamala Harris.

Fourth, the science guys are still talking about this storm and how oddly it picked up steam,  and still  went on strong through the heartland.  Unnatural is a comment they've made. 

Just odd...I guess

Thursday 3 October 2024

Five Things Likely To Occur By 2030 (Six Years Into The Future)

 1.  The WNBA will not exist.

My speculation?  A European women's league will exist (with Caitlan Clark)....sign up Puma, and get a US media company to provide game coverage into the US.  At the end of two years.....the WNBA  will hint of a merge action....bringing the Euro league into the WNBA.  The Euro league will refuse.

In the end, the WNBA will find a financial collapse that the NBA is unwilling to cover the cost.  

2.  California will reach a financial loss situation where they literally beg the federal government to cover their mountain of debt....only to be 'no'.

Some bank will come to sign up for the California debt situation....with the deal hinging on all state property reverting to bank property, and the state is effectively run by a bank CEO.....not an elected governor.

3.  FEMA being connected to Homeland Security.....will cease by 2030.

I think as you enter 2025, an investigation will detail how Homeland Security continued to 'raid' FEMA for emergency stashes of cash.....year after year.

FEMA will end being disconnected from them and given a cabinet secretary and set to the side....not to be part of Homeland Security.  

4.  Star Wars theme movies will stop by 2030, and go through a five to ten 'silence'....mostly admitting that the storyline is now crap and unsellable to the general public.

5.   Some new car brand will come to exist.....with bare minimum features, and a 50 horse-power engine.  At $20,000....this will be the only affordable car in America for more than 20-percent of society.  Other than heat/cooling an electric windows....the car will feature no radio, no GPS.

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Three Things After Watching Vance-Walz Debate

 1.  Loser?  CBS news and moderators.  Walz?  He's just not into debates and whatever he prepared for.....he just wasn't in the league of Vance.

2.  At this point,  I'd say the election belongs to Trump/Vance.  I'm starting to think even NY state will go to Trump, with the 5-key states of 2020 that Biden won....will go all for Trump.

3.  So the real question arises....what happens in the week after the Inauguration?  I think it's a fairly dramatic week.  I suspect that Trump will order a review of all documents that Biden takes and if classification rules were obeyed.  If not....there's to be legal trouble brewing.  

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Grasping The Religion of Voodoo

 After this talk of Springfield, Ohio, the Haitians, the dogs and cats chatter....I sat down to understand Voodoo (the religion).

So, after about a dozen hours of reading up....I've come to nine observations:

1.  Originally,  VooDoo started with the Fon tribe of the Benin, Togo, and Nigeria (Africa)....NOT Haiti.  It probably did not start until approximately 50 to 70 years after the Portuguese started trading there (1655).  Note, as much as some might suggest the Brits were helpful in this creation....they didn't arrive until the late 1890s.

2.  Catholic priests came in....dealt with the tribal customs, and introduced 'God' to the Fon people.  This probably took a good twenty years to convert folks....explain the Bible stories, and get a whole generation indoctrinated.

3.  What I believed occurred here....the priests brought up the stories of raising people from the dead (namely....the daughter of Jairus, a young man in the midst of his funeral, and of course....Lazarus of Bethany.  The Fon people...not really understanding the whole feat of miracles.....attached itself to the 'art' of bring Zombies to life again.

Saying Lazarus was a Zombie is laughable, but with the Fon imagination....yeah, it was possible.

4.  I also believe that when the old Testament talked of animal sacrifices....mostly all of sheep.....the Fon people went to animals of their region (birds, etc).  I think as the religion moved to Haiti (1700 to 1750).....they kept to some form of sacrifice...using what they had on the island (dogs, cats).

5.  The fact that both the Catholic religion and Voodoo...believe in evil spirits/demons, and both have some form of exorcism?  Well....yeah....there is that relationship.

6.  Both male (Ougan) and female (Manbo) priests in Voodoo?  Yes.  How they reach a level of 'status'?  They go into a dream-like state (meeting Iwa.....a spirit) and announcing they have 'status'.  Yeah, it might be bogus, but people accept the idea.

7.  Finally, I have this much as Haitians and western folks claim that 50-percent of Haitian society is Voodoo and the other 50-percent is Christian.....I think this is bogus.  You can observe the Christian religion on Sunday, and be a practicing Voo-Doo member the other six days a week.  

8.  This Springfield dog/cat story?  I've come to the frame of one much is eating the animal's probably just a ceremony thing, and they bury the crispy leftover at the end.  

9.  Voo-Doo being satanic?'s modeled mostly after the Catholic it's hard to make the satanic statement.....without saying part of the Catholic religion might be satanic.  

Final thought?  It wouldn't surprise me if a dozen Springfield folks (of a lesser mindset) might be discussing Voo-Doo, and accepting it in some way.  Maybe around 2035....we discover 30,000 Ohio folks (non-Haitian) are converted to Voo-Doo, and offering animal sacrifices every week.  

This Caitlan Clark WNBA Epic Saga

 The hint was dropped by Clark, by early elimination in the playoffs....that she is likely going to 'quit' the WNBA....and leave for Europe to play in one of the women's leagues there.  

What happens to the Indiana Heat?  The team goes back to a last-place team  in the WNBA.

What happens to Clark's new team (whoever  it is)?  They will move from a small arena a sports arena able to handle 15,000-plus fans.  Suddenly TV interest matters.

What happens to the WNBA? I'd say that they slip back to old viewership numbers and arenas mostly half-full.  

What happens to the TV contract that the WNBA and Disney/ABC/Amazon signed?'s supposed to pay $200-million per season (3 times the former profit).  I'm guessing here that the TV folks will ask for a meeting with WNBA officials by the end of 2025 season (without Clark) and ask for new deal....gutting the $200-million a year by half.  

This will infuriate the WNBA and there's likely to be a crew sent to entice Clark to come 'home'. 

But let's play this the end of the European season and massive interest gearing up for women's basketball....there's likely to be live TV coverage of the league, and some hyped-up offers.  Somewhere in this mix....I see a US sports TV company showing up and offering the European league some TV deal....then suddenly you have the Euro league having better nightly coverage, than the WNBA games.

The chaos by the end of the 2026 season?  Yeah, that's my prediction. I  also think Disney/ABC/Amazon's deal will be crippled by this point.