Thursday 2 August 2018


I sat and read an entertainment piece today, which indicated that ALF is in the discussion stage of being brought back. For October new shows?  Very doubtful.  I'm guessing they are talking October 2019 at the earliest.

I sat and pondered upon this.  ALF in modern times?  ALF with an Amazon account?  ALF with credit cards?  ALF making Trump-like comments over Twitter?  ALF with a Facebook account?  ALF registered to vote?  ALF watching 200 hours per month of Friends?  ALF with an account to Radio Shack?  ALF doing vegan one week, and then realizing what it really means?  ALF drinking a 50-50 mix of Tab and Dr Pepper?  ALF writing science fiction books and selling them under the fake name of Gordon Shumway?  ALF looking for a safe space?

I suspect the writers have at least 3,000 ideas for the first season alone.

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