Saturday 13 April 2019

Discussing 'Dumping'

This past week, it came out that the Trump team had discussed this idea of releasing illegals who'd entered the country.....into San Francisco (a sanctuary city). Who released it?  Unknown.  Had they discussed the idea?  Yes, apparently so.  So seven observations over this:

1.  It's not illegal.  You can dump them into virtually any state or city.  Maybe some Democrats would like to write a law to prevent that, but I'm guessing they'd prefer this story disappear rather quickly.

2.  What if you did dump 300 illegals every other day into San Francisco?  Who says that the city isn't already, without Trump's help....receiving 4,500 illegals every month? 

3.  As long as they were Latinos, does anyone care?  What if the tendency changed, and 3,000 Nigerians found their way to Honduras, and crossed the border weekly, and they were shipped into west coast sanctuary cities?  Would folks get upset or peeved?  What if 200 Libyans wanted to move weekly into Mobile, Alabama? 

4.  How would you 'dump' them?  Buy and give them Greyhound tickets (the $49 one-way special)? 

5.  Can CNN even discuss this matter, without triggering a backlash from Democrats from west coast? 

6.  Once these people got to San Francisco.....then what?  Is there even housing or jobs there for them? 

7.  What if we dig into this and find that President Obama's team did this into Alabama or Georgia?  Is admitting this type of discussion takes place.....a bigger problem, and we need a law to state controls over migrants and immigrants? 

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