Friday 26 April 2019

The Dementia Mayor

After watching the search warrant business of Baltimore mayor Catherine Pugh, and her disappearance in the past two or three days.....I've come to this odd question.  You see, her lawyer says she's out of the public view because she's not lucid enough to handle the situation.


Well....down south, when you say someone isn't lucid typically means that they are pretty much lost in terms of mental competence.

I sat and watched a speech she gave in 2016, when running (thus winning) the city mayor election that year.  My observation from that one speech.....she was not functioning that well.  Her age?  This year, she turned 69. 

My humble guess is that she's suffering (maybe for the past three to four years) from dementia. 

Can she be dragged into court for charges, if having dementia?  No.  My guess is that folks knew this already in 2015, and figured she could win by just showing up and making a few public appearances. Those who benefited?  They ought to be up for charges, but I doubt that this will occur.

Just an odd way for things to turn out. 

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