Sunday 17 May 2020

Explaining The House Proxy Voting Deal

Basically, the House last week passed legislation and rule-changes.  One of the rules involves proxy-voting.

So you are of party 'X', and you can sign your vote to a proxy-chief. This means that you can go and sit at home, go fishing, or hang out with some loose women (or men, if that's your style).....while someone holds your vote and can vote for you.

Now, it brings up interesting scenarios.

Imagine the idiot holding your proxy voting going off and doing something real stupid.  Then this stupid stuff gets back to your folks in the district, and they ask you to explain this. can't say much.  You were the fool who signed the vote over.

But lets move on.....suppose that this was a regular thing.  Suppose that for 70 House members.....they just go and stay out of DC for seven months out of each year....letting the proxy holder sit there and run things.  Why bother even having the House could go and repair cars, or do ranch work for the most part.

What if four guys stood up among the Democrats and each got ten folks to proxy their votes over, and then they started to challenge Nancy Pelosi, and refuse to vote along her way unless they get favors accomplished?

Challenges to proxy voting?  I'm guessing someone will try to flip this to the court system, and make a big deal out of this.  The sad thing is that you end up paying some idiot and his staff a fair amount of money, and at the end of the day.....they aren't working in some productive way.  It just begs questions. 

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