Sunday 17 May 2020

Upon the Shores of False Hope

We, as a culture (Americans) are defined by this identity of 'false hope' carriers.

When the Mayflower arrived in 1620, they were arriving upon a shore with an enormous amount of false hope.  Within weeks, they came to understand that false hope wasn't enough, and that survival skills would be required.

Over the next hundred years....more arrived in the 'new world' with false hope.  The new world was supposed to be an enchanted land with a new start promised to virtually everyone.  The reality was.....on the moment arriving upon the shore, your false hope angle wasn't going to be enough.

Our political system operates on false hope.  You attach yourself to one party, in search of a belief.  Months and years go by, and you come to grasp that the party was a false hope situation.

The news media?  They operate under a premise of a false hope.....that they've got a strong belief in something, then weeks into that story.....they might realize it's just not much of a story, and their angle is that of convincing you that a false hope is better than reality.

Ministers, bankers, businessmen, lawyers, doctors, and even Hollywood enthusiasts all operate under the premise of false hope.  Lets face it....Green Lantern, John Carter, and Pluto Nash were all expensive movies built on false hope....because they just weren't that great.

Farmers live in a bubble of false hope....believing that this might be the big 'breakout' year for such-and-such crop, and by the end of harvest.....they face a very average and limited reality.  But year after year, they return for more false hope.

People running for President often talk about false hope, and dish out a hundred 'promises'.  You like this false hope, and figure they will deliver.  Four years later, you kinda realize that nothing much was achieved.

False hope having more value than no-hope?  That's the reality of this world.  We need something to believe in, or it's gets pretty depressing. 

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