Wednesday 3 June 2020

Just Something You Ought to Know About Fentanyl

For the record, morphine is an awful powerful drug, and only issue it or prescribe it, when the person is in serious pain/suffering.

So here's the fact....Fentanyl is designed in such a way, in comparison to be 100 times the POWER of morphine.  If you were in really bad serious pain, like having three root-canals in one day, or having serious medical procedures done, once that doctor says Fentanyl in the pain-relief, it's a serious matter.

You only want Fentanyl if under a doctor's care, and usually in a clinic or hospital itself. 

Why?  There is a very small margin between a therapeutic issued dose, or a doomed-to-die dose.  You wouldn't want Marvin (your local transmission mechanic) to just hand you Fentanyl and swear he knows the right dose.  Nor would you want 'Binky' (your cocaine dealer) to hand you the bag with four doses, and swear he knows all about this stuff.

Overdosing?  Here's the thing, Fentanyl acts in a fairly fast way, and could easily trigger you to stop breathing.  When this moment happens, you need medical professionals around to give you a chance of surviving.  Five to ten minutes of waiting?  That's probably going to guarantee death. 

If you were to be seriously out-of-shape, and with high blood pressure?  Maybe in your 20s or'd still have decent odds in your favor.  After 40?  The age, the physical shape, the high blood pressure, the Fentanyl, and use of meth in the deal?  Everyday is a 50-50 deal on survival.  Some live and some die.

This Minneapolis dead black guy?  Yep, blood tests done....meth and Fentanyl in the system, and serious health issues.  Plus he was over 40.

The course of things in court?  The lawyer is going to open up a minimum of forty-odd pick-up cases by ambulance crews in the local area....all leading back to meth and Fentanyl.  Death certificates will be put out on the table.  Conviction in this case?  I give it less than a 25-percent of happening. 

So all this rioting business....over Fentanyl?  That's the amusing part of the story.  Here's the other funny thing.  Today, across most of the US....a minimum of 500 episodes will occur where cops had to react to a drugged-up guy/gal.....acting funny, and trying to get them on the ground, and using some effort to calm them until the ambulance gets there.  Some will live because of the cops efforts.....some will die waiting on the ambulance. 

Weird world, huh?

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