Tuesday 26 April 2022

Mad Max

 Around 40 years ago, I sat at a theater and watched the 1979 version of Mad Max.....which I kinda enjoyed.  

The script?  Mostly about some revenge stuff....death here and there...in the midst of a oil-crisis and a breakdown in society.  If you asked me who wrote the script....I would have said some 16-year old kids....mostly tanked-up on beer.  I've probably watched once or twice since then.

Last night, the 2015 Mad Max version came on (Fury Road).....which I'd never watched.

If you asked me the theme?

I'd say mostly meth-head guys, on some crazed fit in the desert (maybe Australia), and a whole lot of minute-by-minute destruction going on.  

The skinhead guys?  If you crossed Bath Salts, meth and cocaine....giving out a fair amount to folks....that was mostly the storyline.  Who wrote the script?  I'd be guessing mostly sixth-grade kids.  Nothing made sense.

I lasted for about 40 minutes and then just gave up.  

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