Tuesday 26 April 2022

What If Plan 'A' Was Something Else Entirely Different?

 I worked with a guy in the 1990s who went and bought a 2-year old vehicle.  In the purchase agreement.....it was written that he (the new owner) could return the vehicle within ten days and get all his money back (NO LOSS).  No reason had to be given.  On the 9th day....my associate did return the vehicle, and got every penny back.

I sat there today looking at the Twitter-Elon deal, and all this chatter by Twitter employees....that they might damage/screw-up/harm Twitter before the deal is wrapped....to harm Elon.

My humble belief is that Elon probably wrote a two-line statement into the purchase deal....kinda like my co-worker in  the 1990s.....if they really tarnished or screwed up the App/program.....the deal would be off.

The odds of this happening?  I'm of the mind....better than a 50-percent chance.

If this were to occur?  Public trust of Twitter would dissolve in a matter of days, and probably half the users would walk out the back-door....never to return.  Viability or surviving this?  It won't happen.

So in their effort to destroy Elon, in some weird way....they'd destroy the company and never bring a bit of harm to Musk.

The end?  Well....no, then Elon would come to the board in twelve months and instead of 43-billion dollars....he could offer 3-billion for a broken-down crappy company that the employees destroyed themselves.  

In some weird way....this might be plan 'A' and Elon knew this would be the best way to defeat the 'poison-pill' idea.  

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