Friday 15 April 2022

Yeah, About the Saudi Royals Owning Twitter Stock

 Stories say that around 5.2-percent of Twitter is owned by the Saudi royals.

So you start to think about gets into the billions and there's one odd aspect....Twitter doesn't pay a dividend (never has).

For most regular investors.....there are two angles to investing.  Either you have a stock that has a gain of some type each (like the stock prices escalates from $24 to $28 over a one-year period), or you have a dividend-paying stock (even if it were half-a-percent or on up to three-percent of the stock value).

Neither fits the 'logic' of having 5.2-percent....unless you wanted a seat at the table and a insider ability to control the operation (controlling speech for example).

If you felt too much free speech by Saudi citizens....for example....was a bad thing, and that they might drift over to some 'let's have a revolution' thinking.

I have this feeling that the royals are having a discussion this weekend and realizing that one way or another.....they won't have an insider seat, or they simply get paid $54.02 for their stock situation (per share). They might be a bit fearful of what a Elon-Twitter landscape would mean for freedom of speech within the desert empire.  

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