Sunday 15 May 2022

Something Elon Twitted Yesterday

 Elon Musk said something to the effect: ' know, for a lot of 2020 voters, they voted Biden because they wanted less drama'.

Yeah, it was a sarcastic moment, and Elon was making it a blunt statement.

After eight years of the Clinton administration....I kinda felt that way.  Between newspapers and news magazines....the eight years were fairly dramatic and chaotic.  Some folks probably did vote for Bush get out of the dramatic era, and in eight years time....felt Bush II was too chaotic.

Then came the Obama era, where folks again gauged things and wanted less drama, less theater, less showmanship, less production, less tragedy, and less tear-jerker gimmicks.  They also failed to get what they wanted.

The Trump era?  No one much was a full-up show, but for 20-odd years....why not a real NY City show?  

Now?  I'd say at the 1.5 year is a bit overblown on drama.  I'd say Elon is's just a lot of people who want a quiet President who makes makes one or two public appearances per week....golfs three afternoons per week....doesn't know anyone from Hollywood...and has a press spokesperson who never says more than 100 words in their answers.  

What happens in 2024? will have two candidates to pick from, and the odds are that both are loaded for full-up drama for four years.  

Yeah, it's almost like WWE-wrestling now.  

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