Thursday 2 June 2022

What Is Heaven Banning?

 I had to look it up and it's fairly I'll try to simplify this. one is saying it's real or existing presently, but the odds are in favor of it's take a regular guy who says a lot of brilliant things on social media.  

Yeah, like that Elon guy.

Then you insert this AI 'bots' who follow the guy, and they inject commentary (negative in some way) to reshape others (real people) to feel less so about the guy talking/chatting.

So the AI bots would remove the significance of the real person?  Yeah.  

Presenting decent arguments? one is really suggesting that.  In fact, I'd question how you present debate with quality material....out of thin air.  

A lot of code writing?  Tons of it.

So this is all hypothetical in nature?  Yeah, that's the general idea.  

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