Saturday 24 September 2022

This Pennsylvania Senate Race

 You can script out 99-percent of Senate races, for the past hundred years, and they tend to go down a certain way.

This year in Pennsylvania?  It's just odd and strange.

Democratic candidate.....John Fetterman....will admit that he had a stroke back in May, which goes back to a 'mysterious and unknown previous condition' of  cardiomyopathy.  Most people who have cardiomyopthy....probably have several years of history to accompany this.  

This guy....Fetterman...seems to act like its a shock.

Since May, everyone around Fetterman (campaign staff and family) all have the same scripted answer....he's recovered.  

To prove the point?  Zero medical points. 

Yeah, at this point....being around six weeks from the election....most everyone is skeptical of his brand and message.

The general belief?  He would get elected....serve twelve months in a weakened condition, and step down.  I'd say about 50-percent of state residents believe that now.

Dumping the guy back in June and going with a 2nd candidate?  Not possible.....Fetterman has the name recognition for this election.  It'd be a total loss.

I watched a speech by Fetterman from three weeks ago....last night.  Basically a two-minute speech, with eight mis-steps in the 'chat'.  If you asked me if he's mentally not 100-percent?  I'd say he's doing pretty well for a stroke guy, but mentally around the 90-percent point.  I'd also add....if I had a stroke....the last thing I'd want to take up a 50-hour a week Senator job for six years.  

The other side of this?  If you vote get stuck with Doctor Oz for six years.  I'm not that thrilled over Senator-Doctor Oz either.  Can't we find retired cowboys, or Beverly Hills Hollywood actors, or former wrestling stars to run for Senator?  

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