Thursday 16 March 2023

My Theory On Alien Visitation 'Tourism'

 I have an odd science or facts behind it.....just simply a belief....that an alien culture (or two)....hang around the Earth mostly on a tourism situation.

Lets face up to this....this crowd of aliens is probably anywhere from 10,000 to a million year more advanced.  I would suggest that life has gotten to such a slow level....that 'Zorg' and 'Buorg' have found a need to recharge their batteries.  So they spend a year or two....learning some Earth language, and sign up for a tour....maybe six months long....maybe three years long.

The ship takes in a load of 300 alien tourists each week, and via some fake company they've created....have a credit card and hotel reservations arranged.  

Zorg and Buorg look enough like humans....that with a funny accent, they arrive in some place like Norway, or Ottawa, or Miami.....they settle in and get a taste of Earth culture.

Along the way, Zorg and Buorg ran into pronoun issues (they weren't expecting that), the Trump thing (they weren't expecting that), and daily assaults in major urban areas.  

It's a crazy idea....I admit.  But it begs the question....if you were this highly advanced culture, why keep visiting Earth, and tourism makes perfect sense.


Anonymous said...

Why would aliens look like humans????

Schnitzel_Republic said...

Without any facts/science to base either presumption upon (for or against)...I gravitate toward we being in the same 'ball-park' as our guests. I'll avoid saying we descended from them, but having the Earth as some west-world-like resort....makes some sense over constant 'visits'. If you were that highly advanced (greater than 10,000 years over us), you might be entertained by what the Earth can offer.

LargeMarge said...

a -- Neil Tyson suggests this is a simulation.
b -- Could we be the androids of a 'West World' amusement park, programmed to be sentient for a few hours, then returned to the shop for fresh programming with a different identity and occupation and history?
How would we know?
c -- What if wars and inner-city violence are merely a program for the guests to experience the sensation of whacking a lower life-form?