Tuesday 28 March 2023

Rule 11 Mentality

 My son (as a kid) was greatly attracted to board games....before the video gamer stuff came along.  

Personally, I hated board games.  In particular, Monopoly.

Someone brought this up today....rule 11....to explain what happens when the bank runs out of money.  

You would basically print money....to keep the game going.  

I brought this up in the office once, and someone came to admit that they'd played (within the family a four-hour game) it before.

I just never had the patience to sit there and dwell on this.  An hour was the point where I needed it to conclude....a winner and a loser.  

But I also hated this 'printing' business.  It made no sense.  Someone was bankrupt....just end the game and find something else.  

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