Tuesday 15 August 2023

My 'Combat' Story

 Back around 15 years ago, I was working at a Air Force (contractor work) where we had a four-star general who was a bit 'nuts'.  On a weekly basis, he was ordering odd things to occur.

So one day.....he ordered the Air Force PR folks to make a commercial for AFN (Armed Force Network).  

The general had several programs which revolved around the use of the word 'combat'.  It wasn't real combat crap (like you Marines would suggest)....this was more of a program, and attached 'combat' to it.

About a month after these commercials came out....I talked to two Army E3 types (living in the barracks).

The commercials had liberal use of the word 'combat'.....the Army guys had invented a nightly game, where if this Air Force commercial came on.....you had to sip a shot of booze.  

I asked....apparently they'd seen all six commercials....just how many could one single commercial trigger you to drink?  One guy cited the worst one.....30 seconds long....five utterances of 'combat'.  That meant five shots.  The least one was three utterances....three shots.

The problem was....there might be a one-hour show, and five of these commercials to come up....maybe two in a row.  

They both grinned and admitted that was an ongoing problem. 

Adding to this....you might go through a whole bottle by yourself...in one single night.  

On the day that the general left.....the commercials halted (almost overnight).  I would imagine that booze issues dwindled after this.

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