Sunday 31 December 2023

Five Things

 1.  There's probably around a half-million Americans now....who wake up in a state of panic over Trump.  These people stay charged up throughout the morning, and afternoon over anti-Trump talk.  At night, they arrive home and try to generate talk with their husband, wife, parents, neighbors or kids...about the evilness of Trump.  Some are rich...some are working-class...some are religious in nature....some have destroyed friendships or family relations over this 'passion'.  

I can't think of a situation like the past hundred years.

2.  This odd thing popped in my head over LGTBQ-people.  The minute you bring up the B-people (the Bi folks) are admitting that there are only two genders.  I would imagine at some point in 2024....the B-people will be brought in and given propaganda that they have to rename themselves to include the sixty-odd 'other' genders.  This might not be that acceptable, and some of the B-people might say they can't handle a relationship with the T-people.

3.  There's some national anti-obesity 'group' who has come to suggest that yearly measurements have to start up in schools (even in the first grade).  Some element of shame intended?  Yeah.

The problem?  When the extra-chunky teacher or gym-instructor steps up to conduct this measurement.....the kid is going to say something 'hurtful' about chunky Ms Jones, and there's going to some disrespect going back and forth.

4.  Both Senator Sanders and Senator Sinema (AZ)...have refused to say if they are running in 2024 (only two up who should say 'something' by this point).  I don't think either are intending to run.  In the case of Arizona, I don't think the Democrats have anyone of status to run.

5.  The word 'flee' gets brought up a lot over folks leaving California and New York.  Typically, if you asked anyone over the age of fifty, if they have ever had to flee away from somewhere....they will have a immigration situation, and were fleeing away from Vietnam, China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, or El Salvador.  

Somehow, we have put California and New York into the North Korea status, without thinking much of the status. 

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

How many illegals are ordered by their various religions...
... to shun and/or execute homosexuals.
I hesitate to wonder if the fruitcakes realize they are down-range of their replacements.