Wednesday 14 February 2024

China Agent Scheme?

 Yesterday, I noticed someone made a comment/question off social media....talking about these Chinese guys walking up from South America....through Panama, and heading toward the US border.

So they brought up that even if you use 'best-guess' estimates of the border patrol....there's probably 20,000 either in the US or heading....they went to this odd topic.

The topic?  The Pentagon is now desperate for folks and likely to bring up by early 2025....a offer to recruit non-Americans (migrants) and put some citizenship deal on the table (you do four years of duty, and we give you US citizenship).

So the chatter went to this....what prevents the CCP (Chinese government) from sending 50,000 young men over and getting them all into the US military (with clearances) and being long-term Manchurian-Candidate 'players'?

I sat there for a while pondering over this.

In the 1980s....1990s....we would not have been this stupid to engage in some weird crap like this.

Today?  I'm pretty convinced that it wouldn't take much to sell 50-plus Senators on the idea (bribes go a long way) and the US Army would literally beg to fill billets (even with IQ-disqualified folks).

This trek by the Chinese guys designed to fill the US Army billets?'s crazy but I have to admit it makes perfect sense.

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