Saturday 20 April 2024

About The Dead NYC 'Fire-Guy'


From the guy-setting-himself-on-fire-in-NY-City yesterday.....this picture was taken a few minutes before he lit up.

His message?  Well.....Biden and Trump are both in some coup attempt (fascist-coup).

I paused over this.

Without knowing anything else on the guy....on my master-conspiracy-index (1-to-100)....I'd index the guy at 95.

Who has conspiracy ideas that involve Trump and Biden together?  Well....I usually view a lot of news and at least will listen to various conspiracies.  Frankly, I can't come up with a single source who  believes one central fascist coup group....consisting of both Trump and Biden 'camps'.

The fact that the guy resides in St Augustine, FL?  Well....Florida folks generally believe a lot of oddball things....which about half of them often turn out half-true.

So my thinking is....lets discount the guy is crazy, and ponder upon the idea that people behind Trump/Biden (not themselves)....have set up some 1,200-page script for 2025 where the nation undergoes some massive civil spiral...meaning that both groups of enthusiasts are charged up for a coup-like event.  

I'm left to two ways of viewing this.  Either this guy (dead now) was a paranoid schizophrenic....or he got onto some wild conspiracy group who have figured out the script to the coup. 

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

The worst part about the One Perfect Conspiracy theory:
* the RulingElites are half-wit inbreds.
With bad teeth.
Quite a few go beyond 'homely as a mule', straight to 'double-bagged before any hooker would even consider it'.
I suspect hollow-moon lizards are involved...