Sunday 30 June 2024

Fragile Discussion

 I read over a piece originating from the Interior Department this AM....where they got 'huffy' over the word-use of the term 'man-made'.  More or shouldn't utter man-made in front of people....because it trigger them to react.

If you asked over my 65 many times I've uttered man-made....I'd likely draw out two shots of some good Kentucky whiskey and calculate this.....maybe admitting I've used the term about one-hundred times.  My use?  Mostly around canals, reservoirs, lakes, Indian-burial mounds, and ditches.  

Getting someone disturbed by use? comeback would be....where exactly are you drawing the line?  

I would imagine there are at least forty terms now that normal people aren't supposed to use/utter....around sensitive or fragile people.  Once you've conveyed your status to me....instead of trimming my vocabulary....I'm more likely to disconnect and keep a 12-foot distance from the fragile person.....avoiding contact.

Ways to overcome man-made? could utter creature-made, human-made, or possibly non-act-of-God-made.  Making things more  complicated?  Well...yeah, there is that one issue.  Maybe it's best not to describe who or what made 'IT'....don't get too complicated....just utter you are thankful it got made.  

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