Sunday 9 June 2024

Trump Chatter

 I sat and pondered over this Trump-talk.  First, he's saying that he is open to the idea.....not that he'd fully sign on.

In general, you can do three things to get a problem-alien back to their  country:

1.  You can deny any US funding/grants to that country.

2.  You can deny entry to any tourists from that country.

3.  You can tariff countries who are uncooperative....meaning you (the US consumer) will pay more for that product.

On this tariff....who is in the worst spot?  Well....I'd say China is at the top.   Countries like Afghanistan are near the bottom.

Would the House/Senate agree?  The Democrats would say absolutely no to the idea.

But I think the key issue here....if you said it MIGHT'd scare the crap out of five-million aliens, and off they'd go to Canada real quick. Canada would turn and say you got papers for the US....the US needs to accept them back, and the US would yank on the Canadian trade situation by forcing a tariff on their products.  Yeah, this could get real messy.


Bigus Macus said...

I'm all on board with this. I'm sure that all voters both Red and Blue are good with it to.

LargeMarge said...

What happened to my 'trebuchet' proposal?
Grab a nest of illegal colonizers, send them right back across the Mexican border.
We're burning daylight here.