Saturday 27 April 2019

If You Admit that the Russians are a Threat to the 2020 Election

Here's the thing....if you are the FBI, CIA, some Senator, or big-name journalist who hypes the threat of the 2020 election and the means you have to go and do something that threatens democracy (well, it gets special Americans all disturbed).

You have to open up all fifty state poll listings, and look for people listed in dual voting situations.

You'd have to go and look at college students who are deemed 'out-of-state' but apparently listed to vote in the college district they are attending.

You'd have to create a national ID card and force everyone to show it....before registering to vote. 

You'd have to disqualify every single non-American who is listed as registered to vote. 

For some reason, I just don't believe your enthusiasm or 'gotta-get-serious' charm.  You can't make some serious allegation about the Russian threat to the 2020 election, unless you are willing to act.  And that just isn't going to happen.

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