Tuesday 11 February 2020

Discussion Over Views

“These people are so driven mad, they actually think they are morally superior to those that have a different point of view."

- Nigel Farage

Farage came over the US and was at George Mason University to give a talk to a group of students.  At some point, a hyped-up college kid went into heckling-mood, and was eventually shown the door out.  Farage actually tried to calm the fellow down, and asked him to let him continue his discussion, and ask pointed questions at the end.  The kid couldn't handle that, and left.

In some ways, I think a whole segment of society has paid some kind of money down on a college education, and believe that they are morally superior at the conclusion of one single semester. 

They isolate themselves, and fear indoctrination from other students or outside influences will ruin the fine moral beliefs that they have.  One can look at this and summarize that their positions must be awful weak....if they can't sit still for sixty minutes and hear an opposing viewpoint.

I've made up a phrase to cover this thought process.....the 'Teletubbie' effect.  Basically, as long as your little sphere is enlightened by Tinky, Dipsy, Po and Laa-Laa....things are fine.  Once you bring a fifth character into the room....your sphere is cracked or challenged. 

In some ways, you even know that the four characters are marginal, and without strong bonds or marginally intellectually sustainable.  Then you go and do something real stupid....you attend such a meeting where the 5th character is there and chatting....without any reference to your typical bedrock (Tinky, Dipsy, Po and Laa-Laa). 

Your heart will be racing, and your mind feels like it's on fire....your inner strength is being harmed, and you lash out at the 5th character.  It's their fault.....they should have stayed within the lines of 'Teletubbie' crew. 

This all presents a challenge because so many people have lost sight of reality and are living in this 'bubble'. 

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