Wednesday 4 March 2020

Five Things From Super-Tuesday Efforts

1.  Bloomberg may have picked up a delegate or two.....but the results of the day suggest that he hasn't changed the race in any fashion.  The millions spent?  Worth nothing.  He should have held out.....gone as a independent, and waged the billion dollars on a 3rd party effort.  At this point, if he shows up at the Convention as a marginalized candidate....the 2nd ballot gimmick would be a joke if he were the nominee.

2.  Bernie Sanders 'social-vision' doesn't sell in the south.  The numbers from various states suggest that.

3.  If you'd asked most political analysts the worst duo to run in the 2nd half of the primary season.....Biden and Sanders are it.

4.  Zero chance that a first round ballot will conclude at the Democratic convention with a 'winner'.

5.  The real winner out of the Super-Tuesday voting?  Donald Trump.

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